
Ward Thomas – Cheltenham Town Hall – Live Review

It’s been years since I have seen Ward Thomas live. A fan from the beginning, there was a time when I would go to every tour but unfortunately it hasn’t worked out for a number of years.

There’s something very special about Ward Thomas. Down to earth and incredibly sweet, on stage the girls are adorably witty, charming and full of stories and character. Listening to their records doesn’t quite give them the justice they deserve because live, they are spectacular!

Photo Credit: Vicky Cheevers – Ward Thomas (Lizzie) Live at Cheltenham Town Hall

The acoustic set up was perfect for Ward Thomas and their guitarist Billy Adamson. Whilst Ward Thomas may be twins, their voices are unique but work so well together – their sibling harmonies are heavenly and the acoustics in the Cheltenham Town Hall showcased those vocals to a new level.

With a number of albums to their name now, the duo played songs across their career including new tracks from their new EP From Our Back Pocket!

Every song played was flawless and the crowd completely silent, taking in every piece. Hits such as Carry You Home, Cartwheels, Guilty Flowers and Push For The Stride were highlights. In particular, for me, Push For The Stride was a nostalgic moment. Having been to shows from the start, it took me back to those early days of the From Where We Stand album which still remains my favourite! I was saddened that they didn’t play more from that album but I understood why! I would love to hear Take That Train again live so girls, if you’re reading, I will be at Black Deer Festival

Another highlight came from the song that was originally the speech Lizzie gave on Catherines wedding day. A hilarious moment of getting it wrong at the beginning and Lizzie explaining that this was exactly why she didn’t play it in song form at the wedding, the song was emotional and beautiful and I can’t imagine anyone having a dry eye on the day. With Lizzie getting married this year, Catherine stated that the pressure was on and in no way can she top that!

Ward Thomas brought back support artist Kezia Gill on stage for their song Quarter Life Crisis. A gorgeous performance, Kezia had already won over many fans in her set prior the main show!

The evening was simply fabulous! It was a wonderful way to end their tour and a beautiful reminder to me of why I love their music so much. There is no act like Ward Thomas, they are truly extraordinary.

Photo Credit: Vicky Cheevers – (Catherine) Ward Thomas Live at Cheltenham Town Hall

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