
Interview: Breland talks to us at The Long Road Festival about his love for the UK, his New Single ‘Cowboy Don’t’, his Headline Tour, New Music and More!

It should go without saying that Breland is now a household name amongst the UK Country Music fans. One of the most dedicated artists to the UK fanbase, Breland has spent a generous amount of time playing here since we were first introduced to him back in 2020.

Breland brings the stage to life during his sets. Whether he plays with a full band or just accompanied by his guitarist Christian, Breland always brightens up his audience with his energetic performances and his silky, soulful vocals and flawless riffs.

We simply didn’t have enough time with Breland during his set at The Long Road Festival. An artist born for headline shows wherever he plays, 45 minutes was too short and he was only just getting the party started, a party we would have happily been at all night!

Before Breland’s set, we caught up with him to talk about his loyalty to the UK, new music he is working on and more!


Hi Breland – how are you?

I am doing well, it’s good to be back here!

It’s like a second home to you now?

By the end of this (tour), I would have played more shows in London than anywhere else in the world!

Wow! You will have to buy a property out here.

I’ve been saying it, I’ve been saying it! Honestly I really might! I love the whole vibe in the UK. I feel very creatively inspired, I feel like country music is growing out here so quickly but it is still very untapped. I don’t really know any American born country acts who have actually like come out here properly to stay here you know? It’s usually the other way where there would be a UK act who would move to Nashville. It doesn’t really happen the other way and I feel like, why not? (Laughs)

You’re staying here now till the Shania Twain tour wraps up? I assume you won’t be headed home for a bit?

No I am here for 5 weeks. I have a few dates in Germany later this week, shows In Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Oslo and Stockholm and a bunch of UK shows for my tour.

Apart from performing here, what is it you love about the UK?

Yeah! I love the people really. I like the sense of humour that people have out here. I like the history! I like how I can go for a run and see a building that has been around for 600 plus years. There is a level of culture that I haven’t really been exposed to in the States. When I come out here I find myself learning a lot! I also think it’s a great crowd to perform in front of and I have had some incredible conversations with some of the fans out here. They seem to really appreciate what I do and I always feel creatively inspired when I come out here!

We are album fans!

Yeah exactly!

You could play all album tracks and no singles and we would still be happy!

And people would be like “we love it!

You could release a song the night before and we’d have the words by the next day ready for the show!

Right! We are going to put that to the test because I just put out a new song (Friday 25th August)

Yes, Cowboy Don’t

Cowboy Don’t! I put out on Friday! Let’s see if people are prepared for that one, I hope so!

It’s really country sounding

(Laughing) It is the most country sounding song that I have had but also the least country lyrics because I am going through it and kind of talking about my experience of being somewhat a non-traditional country artist and doing things that a cowboy don’t you know? It’s a fun little song that I think if you zoom out of it a little bit it really does kind of talk about my experience in country music being a black artist from New Jersey of all places. There isn’t anyone else like me in country so when people are like “well country music is supposed to sound like this” or “ it’s supposed to look like this” or whatever else, this song to me is my way of saying “hey, if you’re not listening at all, you’ve got what you want but if you’re listening, I’m actually proving my point”.

I think it’s going to be a favourite…

Yeah I think so too! We’ve been playing it live for the last few months and it’s an energy song. Anything that has that type of tempo gives me opportunity to perform it on a new level.

Another song that is new and yet to be released that you have been playing at shows in the past and in fact debuted at C2C Festival is The Extra Mile. Will you play that tonight?

You know….I probably will play that tonight. It’s not out yet but it comes out in a couple of weeks and it’s a song that really speaks to my softer side. I think I have some of these songs that are like all very high tempo and a bunch of energy which is great but just to be able to tell a story and express a real emotion and in real life. I lost my Grandma two weeks ago and we just had her funeral last week and kind of thinking about that and some of the things she has taught me and trying to be able to stay positive and play these shows while I am also grieving. I think that something that this song Extra Mile really speaks to is that we all go through things and are trying to figure out how to process really complicated nuances and emotions but for most of us at least, we’re trying to find a way to keep moving forward and that’s really what The Extra Mile is about.

Well we appreciate you being here and so sorry for your loss. What was her favourite song of yours?

(Excitedly says) Her favourite song of mine isn’t even out yet but it’s coming out in a couple of weeks. We probably won’t be able to play it out here because my band doesn’t know it yet but (laughs) it’s a song called Thirsty that’s going to be on my Extra Mile project! That will be coming out while I am out here on this run so it will be my first time putting music out while being in another country and we will definitely be playing it in the next couple of weeks.

An up tempo or ballad?

(Excitedly says) It’s a tempo song and I really would have not expected this to be her favourite but a week before she died she was like “why isn’t it out yet?” and I was like “Grandma, it takes time for these songs to come out you know?” So it’s a fun song but I was actually able to record her talking about it (laughs) I just happened to be recording our conversation and she was talking about how much she loved it and I put a little snippet at the end..

I was going to ask that..

Yeah I put a little snippet at the end so that’s a lovely little tribute to have! I’m excited, I think the songs that I am about to put out and the songs I am putting out right now are some of the best music that I’ve put out. The Cross Country album would not be complete without me being able to do a Deluxe of a bunch of songs that each one means something different to me.

I am a big fan of the up tempo ones but I do love a ballad and love Alone at The Ranch!

Oh yeah? Haha that’s a Jam!!!

What have you got planned next? You have done so many collaborations, any more up your sleeve? You probably can’t share that right now?

I would say what people can expect from me next is I’m really wanting to beat the music that I have put out so far! I am already back in the studio thinking about album number two. Once I am able to fully close the door on Cross Country, my first goal is to see if I am able to beat it!

Is it true an artists favourite work is always their latest? As I hear that a lot!

Artists have recency bias but I also think the fans will agree. I am truly growing as a vocalist, as a performer, some of the experiences that I am having on the road and being able to see how fans react to certain songs, I know what they want from me so I am working on making and continuing to improve!

We saw you at C2C when you played in All Bar One and were interviewed by Nada from Apple and touching on what you just said about knowing what the fans want, I remember her suggesting you play Thick next and you were like “nah, I know my fans, I think they’ll want Throw It Back” which we did! So you really do know your fans!

Hahaha! I know what they want!

Thank you so much for chatting today, I really appreciate it!

Oh yeah of course! Good to chat with you too!

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