
Interview: Callie Twissleman talks single ‘In My World’, C2C Festival, the first song she EVER wrote and more!

Singer/Songwriter Callie Twisselman recently released her new song In My World. The song encompasses that daydream world perfectly where we all envision a different life for a moment. Matched by a fun, uplifting, carefree sounding melody, Callie’s vocals soar with a far away, “head in the clouds” kind of vibe. You can’t listen to this song and not feel good! This song is so relatable in its lyrics and what makes it even more great is the potential to daydream your own version of lyrics. I can’t think that many would drift too far from Callie’s world though. We all wouldn’t mind having a billion dollars, a big house with a pool, a private jet and having no worries (the latter being one we all definitely want).

Callie Twisselman has been creating quite the dreamworld herself but for her, it’s actually reality! She can boast performances at places such as C2C Festival in London and has opened for legendary artists like Dolly Parton (even interviewed her for Apple on International Women’s Day in 2022). Now THAT is a daydream many have had I’m sure! The “pinch me” moments don’t stop there however, Twissleman’s last EP, Closure was met by much critical acclaim and she also released a song called Together in 2021 which was featured in the animated film My Little Pony: A New Generation.

We caught up with Callie to discuss her song In My World, her last trip to the UK at C2C Festival, the first song she ever wrote and more!


Hi – How has your week been?

It’s been pretty good, trying to stay busy!

What has the weather been like?

It’s been funny because we had a tornado warning the other day and now it’s sunny

I can’t even imagine a tornado warning and what that must be like

It’s kind of scary! I don’t know if it is going to come my way ot not! I have this app on my phone which tracks it, that makes me feel better

Good! How has life been since the release of In My World?

It’s been good! I am excited to release music again because it’s been a minute. Trying to fet everything in line and I am excited

The responses have been good, I have been seeing all the reviews. Was it a long process to write the song or did it come naturally?

It was pretty easy to write. I started out with the chorus and then had the first verse and second verse. I kind of flip flopped them. At first I started out with the second verse first and then I thought “well let’s switch that” it just clicked in my mind.

Was that written at home?

Yeah that’s the fun part! I didn’t have other writers so it was kind of nice putting what I want to say.

Do you like writing at home is that your comfort zone!

I do! It’s what I mostly do. I do co-writing as well but I prefer solo.

Yeah, I’d imagine that in a co-write it can at times be difficult to open up and a struggle and at times to keep the words that you want. Is it hard to open up to personal things in the writing room?

If I don’t know them it can be harder to open up vs being with a group of friends but it is a little more tough but then you get used to it and they all open up as well

Last time you were here you played at C2C Festival- what was that experience like for you?

That was really neat and I am ready to come back! It was the biggest crowd I had ever played for. I just loved everybody there, they were all so nice and into country music. They are still supporting from that point. Great fans over there

What are you working in at the moment to follow up In My World?

I have got some more music ready to be released and a collaboration coming out that we haven’t announced yet so I can’t say too much on that bit. I am also booking more shows. I am very excited for the collaboration.

Can I know anything? Male or female?


Oh that’s even more exciting!!


Ooh when will we know?

Hopefully within the next couple of weeks

Is it a ballad or upbeat?

Upbeat! That’s all I can say haha

Oh I can’t wait! The more female singers the better. What is it like living in Nashville as you are originally from California?

I love it here, I wasn’t sure at first when I moved because I didn’t like being away from my family and all that but it was really inspiring to be around other musicians. Everyone was doing the same things in the same music city and I just loved the inspiration. The weather has been different because I am used to sunshine all the time in California but I have gotten used to it!

Is it really that sunny that often in California?

It rains here and there and it’s not humid! The humidity over here (In Nashville) is different

What was your first week like as a working artist in Nashville?

I dove right in and did so much songwriting. I was writing 5 songs a week or something like that and it was pretty crazy. I was demo-ing songs, doing songwriting rounds and trying to do everything that I could as well as working with my manager who was trying to set me up for my first EP

Nice! You were in a band at ine point weren’t you?

Yes! I had a touring band in California that I put together and we played all over. We played Casinos and fairs and then I decided that I should take it outside of California. Everyone said I should move to Nashville. I am glad I did.

Who helped you the most when you were starting out? Were there any songwriters that helped you hone your craft when you moved to Nashville?

I had a few people that I knew but I didn’t know as many as my manager who connected me with people. So pretty much just friends that I had. Ford Thurston, he was a guitar player that I started out knowing he helped me wieve my way around town.

Do you remember the first song that you ever wrote and is it out there for the world to hear?

I do remember. It’s not out there, I was like 15 so it wasn’t very good. Before I even learned how to play the guitar I started writing down rhyming words and made this story about this boyfriend I had at the time. I threw the paper in my closet and my mum came in to clean the room and she found it. She said “Callie, what is this? This is so good”. I was all embarrassed because I didn’t think anybody was ever going to read it and she just said it was so good. It was called ‘When I’m With You, Any Dream Can Come True’. haha! It was funny but it was the start of my love for songwriting!

Awww that’s adorable! Sounds like you have very supportive parents? Are they who you play your music to first when you have written something?

I do! They are my number one supporters and they always hear everything first even if it’s a bad demo, they still hear it!

Are they honest?

Yeah they will give me some little tips, little opinions.

That is nice! Well thanks so much for talking with me today and I hope to see you in the UK soon!

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